Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Welpt, I guess since everyone else is blogging up a storm these days it would only be right for me to keep pace with my companions...even though I march to the beat of a different drummer (little bit of Thoreau for ya.) Things have been busy, as usual and with Summer around the corner, they show now signs of slowing down. This is OK. Sometimes busy is good, as long as you aren't too busy. The things that usually wrap us up are church, friends, camp, family...like I said, sometimes being busy is good.
I decided last night that I am going to write a book. Let me rephrase that, I decided a long time ago that I wanted to write a book and for close to 10 years now I have dabbled in doing so. At one point, about 6 years ago, I had quite the start on my book, having composed several chapters. These chapters (along with every other important document I had) were erased soon after I wrote them when I reformatted the hard drive on my computer and forgot to save them elsewhere. Ooops.
I intend to base the book on my experiences growing up on the diary. Now, anyone who grew up on an actual dairy or has even driven by one would scoff at my statement. When you think of the place I called home you wouldn't label it as a dairy. However, we did at one point have two heifers and so if I want to call it a dairy then I will do so. I have started writing down funny memorable stories from my upbringing and not all of them took place on the homestead. If we ever shared a funny moment, beware, for you might end up in my book. Unfortunately, your name will be changed.
There are several things to overcome on my path to writing a bestselling novel. The first thing has to do with my excessive usage of comma's. It's always been a rough relationship between me and the comma. Not sure when it started but it came to light during my Jr. year of high school when I had class with Mrs. Tompkins. For two years she drilled into my head the strategy behind using a comma in the appropriate place. Apparently it didn't stick because I still struggle. Oh well, I guess I'll leave that up to my editor.

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